FUE Hair Transplants

Restore Natural Hair with the FUE Hair Transplant Procedure

Men and women alike can face the struggle of hair loss at some point in their lives. Aging, genetics, stress, medical conditions… These are only some of the potential causes of this multifaceted problem. And while stress-related hair fall can often be managed with medication, we are stuck with our genetics for the rest of our lives.

Reverse Your Hair Loss

With the novel treatment of FUE hair transplant in Miami, you can reverse the damage and restore natural-looking hair with a minimally-invasive procedure. How? Get in touch with the Miami Hair Clinic to learn more.

What is FUE Hair Transplant at the Miami Hair Clinic?

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, hair transplant is an outpatient cosmetic surgery, which can be performed to permanently restore thinning hair. During the procedure, single hair follicles are collected from an area with healthy hair growth (usually, the back of the patient’s scalp) by special automated devices. Finally, the hair follicles are implanted in the target areas one by one to achieve naturally-looking, fuller hair.

Why Choose the FUE Hair Transplant Procedure?

Follicular Unit Extraction treatment is a novel procedure developed in place of a more traditional FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, technique. With FUT, an entire thin area of skin with hair follicles was implanted into the balding areas. This method often resulted in noticeable linear scars and obvious “hair plugs”, with parts of skin or hair mismatching with the surrounding areas.

At the Miami Hair Clinic, we use the latest techniques in the industry of hair loss treatment. Our FUE procedure is superior to FUT in more than one way. During the treatment, we will use a special machine to collect healthy hair follicles individually, to later plant them into balding areas one by one. As a result, you will only have a scattered array of pinpoint scars across the donor site, which will be virtually undetectable. You will even be able to shave your head without worrying about having visible scars!


The FUE hair transplant procedure is available for men and women alike. While there are no specific requirements to be a suitable candidate for the treatment, realistic expectations and good overall health can often make the recovery process easier.

In general, a good candidate for a FUE hair transplant in Miami is someone who is looking to permanently reverse the effects of patterned hair loss or baldness. In addition, the patient must have sufficient healthy hair on the donor site. Finally, FUE transplants can be successfully used for beard and eyebrow restoration.

What is FUE Hair Transplant at the Miami Hair Clinic?

FUE, or Follicular Unit Extraction, hair transplant is an outpatient cosmetic surgery, which can be performed to permanently restore thinning hair. During the procedure, single hair follicles are collected from an area with healthy hair growth (usually, the back of the patient’s scalp) by special automated devices. Finally, the hair follicles are implanted in the target areas one by one to achieve naturally-looking, fuller hair.

Why Choose the FUE Hair Transplant Procedure?

Follicular Unit Extraction treatment is a novel procedure developed in place of a more traditional FUT, or Follicular Unit Transplantation, technique. With FUT, an entire thin area of skin with hair follicles was implanted into the balding areas. This method often resulted in noticeable linear scars and obvious “hair plugs”, with parts of skin or hair mismatching with the surrounding areas.

At the Miami Hair Clinic, we use the latest techniques in the industry of hair loss treatment. Our FUE procedure is superior to FUT in more than one way. During the treatment, we will use a special machine to collect healthy hair follicles individually, to later plant them into balding areas one by one. As a result, you will only have a scattered array of pinpoint scars across the donor site, which will be virtually undetectable. You will even be able to shave your head without worrying about having visible scars!


The FUE hair transplant procedure is available for men and women alike. While there are no specific requirements to be a suitable candidate for the treatment, realistic expectations and good overall health can often make the recovery process easier.

In general, a good candidate for a FUE hair transplant in Miami is someone who is looking to permanently reverse the effects of patterned hair loss or baldness. In addition, the patient must have sufficient healthy hair on the donor site. Finally, FUE transplants can be successfully used for beard and eyebrow restoration.

Procedures & Techniques

As the first step of the FUE hair transplant in Miami, the donor site must be prepared. This usually means shaving and numbing the back and the sides of the head. Next, the patient is asked to lay facing down while the individual hair grafts are harvested. This is the most labour-intensive step of the process, – it can take up to 4 hours, depending on the volume of the graft.

If you require a smaller transplant with under 500 grafts, we will try to shave only narrow bands of hair that can be covered by the overlying remaining hair. However, even if the entire head needs to be shaved for a larger FUE transplant, don’t worry! Hair grows quickly, and soon you will be able to enjoy your new, fuller hairstyle.

After the necessary number of follicles is collected, they will be implanted one by one onto the target area. This part of the treatment can take another several hours. Most of the time, you can expect to be in and out of our clinic within 8 to 10 hours.

Miami Hair Clinic

Hair Transplants for Men and Women

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777 Arthur Godfrey Rd Ste 301, Miami Beach, FL 33140, United States

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Recovery Process

While the final result may take several months of patience, the recovery process is generally easy. For a few days following the treatment, a soft dressing will be applied to protect the tiny extraction sites at the back of your scalp. Once they heal sufficiently, you will be able to go back to work – as early as one week after the FUE hair transplant.

See our Beard Transplant Transformations

Create the appearance you've always wanted

Before After

Outcomes & Results

The FUE hair transplant in Miami is the most effective, permanent solution to significant hair loss. Because the hair follicles collected from the donor site are healthy, they will be able to grow natural hair after they are transferred into the balding areas. Once successfully implanted, these follicles will get nourished by blood vessels and start growing new hair immediately. One way to ensure the success of the procedure is to find a reputable medical provider like the Miami Hair Clinic. Dr. Craft and his hair restoration team will be happy to help you restore your hair and regain your confidence.